Posts Tagged ‘coal’

Cost of Coal in China will stay high

June 17th, 2010

China and India Coal Prices

The recent Coaltrans Asia conference in Bali showed Coal Output and Demand are very high. Coal demand is driven by increasing worldwide energy demands.
Coal prices will remain between US$90 and $100 per ton.
The Chinese government has set an ongoing cap on power prices to stem inflation.

China’s export economy export and domestic consumption will sustain high needs for coal.
Labor wage increases are occurring across China. Chinese workers are now making more money, this places greater importance on a desire to save on coal costs .
China is a net importer of coal. Energy savings techniques are very strongly encouraged to help offset rising coal prices.

We’ve also seen information on the topic here

Coal Prices across Asia on the rise.

May 18th, 2010

Rising demand from China and India is driving thermal coal prices higher and higher with the spot market for sub-bituminous coal of 5500 KcKg selling for more than $112 in China.

Commodity experts predict global prices to remain strong and go up further this summer.

In 2009, China’s coal imports more than doubled to 130 million tonnes from the previous year. China has also closed its smaller and more dangerous mines. coupled with a huge drought which has severely hampered hydroelectric power. All culminating into increased demand from coal power sector.